

Dancing with the Moonlight - Etheler

Dancing with the Moonlight-Etheler.mp3
[00:17.42]月亮照亮你的温柔 [00:19.92]见证着我们的...
[00:48.43]让月光来见证 给我们伴舞
[00:56.17]被漫天的晚霞 染红了
[01:45.42]I am online,this f timeline just f my mind
[01:47.42]我已上线 但这错开的时间线让我心烦
[01:47.92]Life is like a coin,flip it upside down
[01:50.67]生活像枚硬币 轻轻翻个面
[01:50.92]It’s our destiny(us),don’t get that wrong
[01:53.42]Hold on hold on baby
[01:54.92]Dancing with moonlight at your door
[01:56.67]At the moment we forgot the whole world
[01:58.67]Time always drives us away
[02:00.42]we always wanna stay a while
[02:01.42]long,wanna love more
[02:02.92]我们却像再待久一点 再爱多一点
[02:03.16]We ride ride a horse at your house in the mountain
[02:05.41]From the Silk Road to Rome,Paris to London
[02:07.42]It’s a letter for u,the latter is mine,ooh
[02:10.67]Oooh oooh oooh oooh
[02:11.92]这份信是你的 但你是我的
[02:12.17]I got a map of your city,map of your house
[02:14.92]map of Emory,map of your heart
[02:17.42]Who is knocking on your heart
[02:20.67]当你听着我的歌 像是在我身边
[02:27.67]“Ma nuze yeyil”是送给你的鼓点
[02:36.0]当你听着我的歌 像是在你身边baby
[02:55.75]I am online,this f timeline just f my mind
[02:58.25]我已上线 但这错开的时间线让我心烦
[02:58.75]Life is like a coin,flip it upside down
[03:01.0]生活像枚硬币 轻轻翻个面
[03:01.5]It’s our destiny(us),don’t get that wrong
[03:03.0]Hold on hold on baby
[03:05.25]Dancing with moonlight at your door
[03:06.0]At the moment we forgot the whole world
[03:09.25]Time always drives us away
[03:11.26]we always wanna stay a while
[03:12.5]long,wanna love more
[03:14.75]我们却像再待久一点 再爱多一点