

I Believe - Sounds of Blackness

I Believe-Sounds of Blackness.mp3
[00:09.300]OH~ [00:12.300]Oh~Aha~ [00:13.870]She...
[00:13.870]She will come through this.
[00:16.870]George:No~U donn't know that.
[00:18.070]Izzie:She will come through this~
[00:23.870]George: People die.
[00:27.870]Izzie: I know people die.
[00:30.300]En..People die in front of us every day.
[00:33.300]But I believe,
[00:34.870]Meredith will survive this!
[00:36.300]I believe..
[00:37.870]I believe..I..I..
[00:41.490]I believe in the good.
[00:50.730]I believe that it's been a hell of a year.
[00:53.700]And I believe that in the face of overwhelming
[00:55.730]evidence to the contrary,
[00:57.700]we will all be okay.我们都会没事
[01:01.300]I believe a lot of things.我相信很多事
[01:05.700]I believe..
[01:08.010]I believe that Denny is always with me.
[01:12.870]And I believe 我相信
[01:14.870]that if I eat a tub of butter 即使我吃了一桶黄油,
[01:16.870]and no one sees me,只要没人看到,
[01:17.870]the calories don't count.热量就不算数
[01:21.870]I believe that surgeons
[01:23.730]who prefer staples over stitches are just
[01:29.080]And I believe that you are a man
[01:31.870]who made a terrible mistake
[01:33.730]marrying Callie.我相信你娶了Callie是大错特错
[01:37.460]And I believe that
[01:38.730]because I'm your best friend.
[01:39.470]I can tell you this, 我可以告诉你这个
[01:40.870]and we can be okay. 并且一切都会好起来的.
[01:41.880]I believe even though you made this mistake,
[01:44.880]you will be okay.你也会没事
[01:58.910]I believe we survive, George.
[02:00.730]我相信我们会熬过去 George
[02:04.620]I believe that believing we survive
[02:07.880]is what makes us
[02:19.030]Ah..She's gonna be okay.