

简短回答 - 英语听力

[00:00.42]Hi Joachim, sorry to be a little late. [...
[00:00.42]Hi Joachim, sorry to be a little late.
[00:03.21]No problem. Good to see you again. How was your trip?
[00:06.95]It was fine. No delays, just the usual traffic from the airport.
[00:11.52]And did you find our offices easily?
[00:14.81]Yes, thank you. Your directions were very clear.
[00:17.58]OK, so, can I get you a coffee before we start?
[00:21.97]Yes. I'd love one. White, one sugar, please.
[00:25.52]And, how are you fixed for time?
[00:28.36]I've got a couple of hours now. I hope that's enough.
[00:32.57]Sorry, do you mind if I just take this call ?
[00:35.24]No, of course not, Go ahead.
[00:37.32]Sorry about that – the boss. So, are you expecting it to be a good year ?
[00:44.41]Well, I hope so. Last year was pretty flat, as you know.
[00:49.02]Well, that's really what I'd like to talk about today. How we can ramp things up a bit.
[00:56.36]Can I be of any help with the marketing side of things ?
[01:00.61]That's kind of you, but we should be able to cope. It's just a question of programming it in.
[01:06.38]We're planning a campaign meeting next week.
[01:11.04]So I think that's been a useful start to our discussions.
[01:15.91]I will programme another meeting for two weeks' time. But I think you have to go now.
[01:22.95]Would you like to go for a meal this evening ?
[01:25.62]I'd love to, but I'm afraid I have to be back in London by six.
[01:29.67]No worries. Would you like a lift back to the station?
[01:33.84]That would be really nice, but I don't want to put you out.
[01:37.49]It's no problem. I'm going that way anyway.