

鞭炮的英文不是bomb,烟花也和flower没关系喔! - 早安英文

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[00:04.52]Hello everyone happy spring festival welcome today this morning English this winter
[00:13.07]欢迎收听今天的早安英文do fire crack ers keep you up all night on new years Eve 你一说放鞭炮会不会吵到我是吧
[00:21.5]No how about you yeah and fireworks keep me up to what we talk about fireworks and fire crack ers for sure
[00:38.03]欢迎大家到微信搜索早安英文私信回复笔记两个字就可以来领取我们的文字版笔记you know in Canada fireworks are restricted the general public can not buy fireworks at all I understand that in major cities in China there are some restrictions on fireworks too yes restricted
[01:11.54]So fireworks are restricted well we only see fireworks when our cities have para techniques pirate techniques 就是烟火表演
[01:23.72]The show a 这个词有一点点难烟火表演p r o te chn I CS pyro Tech mix pie or techniques right what power techniques are just watch fireworks displays are called every year at national day and new years Eve my city will have a big para Tech NIC show yeah a big para techniques show 就是大型的烟花展示烟花表演
[02:05.37]No I like fireworks we used to set off fireworks when I was a kid it was great fun we would use matches to like de fuse yeah okay 小孩子都喜欢放烟花对吧
[02:20.43]刚刚Colin 已经说了叫做set of fireworks re we use the phrase verb set off set off set off set off fireworks 放烟花not burn fireworks 大家千万不能用burn 哈
[02:36.9]应该用setup 还有你刚才说到这个use matches to light the feelings match 是火柴对不对OK
[02:46.17]用火柴点燃引线light 点燃我们用light 这个动词light de fields 点燃
[02:54.24]引线fields 就是引线啦
[02:56.7]Exactly a few things you know that string that goes to the actual fireworks yeah great and I feel
[03:07.7]因为它结尾的那个S 1
[03:09.98]他是要发浊辅音fuse now feels feels right when you know after we we looked de fuse we would watch excited Li as the fireworks soon de pin to Du sky soon yeah soon yeah you know it when something goes very fast past you can hear a sound Zhou like a car going very fast ya ya Zhou Zhou Zhou 说台词的意思
[03:43.45999]其实是快速的移动迅速的前往a fireworks show rooms into Du sky we loved watching the fireworks zoo Ming into the sky at the fireworks zoom into Du sky 这个烟火迅速的就是飞到窜到天空中对吧
[04:01.31]然后展开了we loved watching the fireworks
[04:04.99]Zoo Ming into the sky and den the fireworks would explode inTo Beautiful stars and flowers explode like a bomb yeah but we never use the word bomb with fire crack ers while bonds and making of word you know it something that is used to kill people but fireworks are associated with happy times festivals and celebrations so we dont want to put these two things together and I see bom 就是炸弹
[04:40.45]OMBBOM 啊这个词的发音大家也注意啊最后的那个逼啊他其实是不发生的所以你只要读前面的就好了
[04:48.19]最后把嘴巴闭起来读这个闭口音bong OK
[04:52.6]大家千万别把炸弹bomb 这个词跟我们的这个爆竹连到一起
[04:59.53]因为bom 是属于一个比较负面的
[05:09.18]应该叫做fire crack ers 对我们前两天节目里面也有说到fire crack ers 也so why like fireworks I hate fire crack ers fire crack ers just make too much noise they make a lot of noise I heard that fire crack ers are tradition ally used to scare off evil spirits is all right 对我也听说过这个故事就是说最原始最开始那个春节这个习俗起源的时候啊
[05:36.15]人们放鞭炮放这个set of fire crack ers 其实是为了就是吓跑妖怪驱魔的呃
[05:43.8]Actually at festivals fire crack ers dont really bother me I guess because you know I expected and everything should be loud and fun at the festival but its d unexpected times like him walking down the streets and there the store opening and a set off fire crack ers he could scare me to death 这个句子太棒了
[06:01.62]OK 就是这个呃
[06:03.54]Fire crack ers 就是这边
[06:07.43]It scared me half to Dan you should scare me after that give me after that okay its funny to think about a big guy like you scared of 是的今天呢
[06:25.13]我们就跟Colin 1起来聊了一下
[06:26.99]这个fireworks 烟花fire crack ers 鞭炮的这些事儿
[06:33.35]也都在我们的微信公众号里面欢迎大家到微信搜索早安英文私信回复笔记两个字来领取我们的文字版笔记thank you for joining us for de morning English podcast today happy spring festival this is color zoo
[06:55.33002]Does pod casting is from morning English