

Excαlibur - Mili

[00:00.0]Excαlibur - Mili [00:22.69] [00:22.69]...
[00:00.0]Excαlibur - Mili
[00:22.69]I will be the best astronaut
[00:28.23]The best of the best I kid you not
[00:33.71]而且是全宇宙最棒的那个 我可没有跟你开玩笑
[00:33.71]Her eyes sparkled
[00:36.63]Like the galaxy has died her pupils
[00:42.31]As she held my hand
[00:45.22]We've digged thought the dump
[00:47.54]Looking for treasures unfound
[00:50.78]As you softly sing the sweetest delightful song
[00:56.64]那时你在一旁唱着 最最甜美动人的歌谣
[00:56.64]We've bulit a titanium space shuttle out of hope
[01:02.05]So one day the world can be saved by this sound
[01:09.24]为了终有一天 世界可以被你的声音所拯救
[01:09.24]Lulala da dulalila
[01:13.56]噜啦啦 嗒 嘟啦哩啦
[01:13.56]We'll name it excαlibur and send it to the sky
[01:21.95]我们将被送往天际的它 命名为圣剑α
[01:21.95]It crashed to the rim of the world and fell apart
[01:41.94]它坠毁在世界的边缘 四分五裂
[01:41.94]Hey don't you worry
[01:47.17]嘿 不要担心
[01:47.17]You dreams I will make them come true
[01:53.14]你的梦想 我一定会让它们实现
[01:53.14]Sticks and stones won't break our bones
[01:58.32]As long as you have me
[02:03.96]We've digged thought the dump
[02:06.71]Looking for treasures unfound
[02:09.81]As you softly sing the sweetest delightful song
[02:15.64]那时你在一旁唱着 最最甜美动人的歌谣
[02:15.64]We've bulit a titanium cyborg out of me
[02:21.05]So one day the world can be saved by you
[02:26.36]为了终有一天 世界可以被你拯救
[02:26.36]My bones are titanium but my heart is made of stars
[02:32.39]我的骨头以钛铸成 但内心以星辰凝就
[02:32.39]So ride on my shoulders
[02:35.19]I'm your excαlibur