

Paloma - MIKA

[00:00.0]Paloma - MIKA (米卡) [00:03.25] [00:03...
[00:00.0]Paloma - MIKA (米卡)
[00:03.25]Lyrics by:MIKA/David Sneddon
[00:06.5]Composed by:MIKA/David Sneddon
[00:09.75]Oh Paloma the skies have not been kind to you
[00:19.37]Paloma 世界对你不友好
[00:19.37]Oh Paloma to weather the storm you'd paint it blue
[00:29.44]Paloma 即使狂风暴雨 你也会为天空涂上蓝色
[00:29.44]Silent in your struggle living life like there's nothing wrong
[00:38.73]默不作声地挣扎 装作一切无恙
[00:38.73]We didn't even notice all we heard was the morning song
[00:46.15]我们都没注意到 我们只听到你唱着动听的歌谣
[00:46.15]Until the sky fell into pieces
[00:50.82]The night our life fell into pieces too
[00:55.88]Try to fly against the wind
[00:58.33]Even with a broken wing
[01:00.68]As the sky fell into pieces
[01:07.31]My Paloma where is a broken dove to go
[01:16.94]我的Paloma 受伤的鸽子该飞向哪里
[01:16.94]Oh Paloma if only you had let me know
[01:27.12]Paloma 如果你早让我知道就好了
[01:27.12]Was it joy or sadness that you felt on the night you flew
[01:35.19]你飞走的那个夜晚 是悲还是喜
[01:35.19]I found you fighting in the darkness
[01:40.32]There was beauty in there too
[01:43.53]The night the sky fell into pieces
[01:48.68]And our life fell into pieces too
[01:53.45]Try to fly against the wind
[01:55.9]Even with a broken wing
[01:58.25]As the sky fell into pieces
[02:05.07]Pieces hiding all the pain
[02:14.5]Don't put the pieces back again
[02:24.4]The night the sky fell into pieces
[02:29.45]And our life fell into pieces too
[02:34.29001]Try to fly against the wind
[02:36.69]Even with a broken wing
[02:39.11]As the sky fell into pieces
[02:43.62]The night sky fell into pieces
[02:48.69]And our life fell into pieces too
[02:53.48]Try to fly against the wind
[02:55.9]Even with a broken wing
[02:58.3]As the sky fell into pieces
[03:05.25]Fly Paloma fly Paloma fly Paloma
[03:11.84]飞吧 Paloma
[03:11.84]One day you're gonna fly
[03:14.73]总有一天 你会飞上蓝天
[03:14.73]Fly Paloma fly Paloma fly Paloma
[03:21.4]飞吧 Paloma
[03:21.4]One day you're gonna fly oh
[03:24.42]总有一天 你会飞上蓝天
[03:24.42]Fly Paloma fly Paloma fly Paloma
[03:30.99]飞吧 Paloma
[03:30.99]One day you're gonna fly
[03:35.099]总有一天 你会飞上蓝天