

Sound of Silent - Bluevolution

Sound of Silent-Bluevolution.mp3
[00:00.0]Sound of Silent - Bluevolution [00:42.93]...
[00:00.0]Sound of Silent - Bluevolution
[00:42.93]In restless dreams I walked alone
[00:49.23]在无尽的梦里 我孤独地走在
[00:49.23]Narrow streets of cobblestone
[00:55.84]Neath the halo of a streetlamp
[01:01.32]I turned my collar to the cold and damp
[01:08.67]我竖起衣领 以抵御寒冷和潮湿
[01:08.67]When my eyes were stabbed
[01:13.13]By the flash of a neon light split the night
[01:22.55]被一束霓虹灯的灯光刺痛的同时 光芒划破黑暗
[01:22.55]And touched the sound of silence
[01:36.28]And in the naked light I saw
[01:42.45]Ten thousand people maybe more
[01:49.3]成千上万的人 或许更多
[01:49.3]People talking without speaking
[01:55.68]People hearing without listening
[02:01.7]People writing songs that voices
[02:09.06]Never shared and no one dared
[02:15.94]从未分享 似乎是不敢
[02:15.94]To stir the sound of silence
[02:30.83]Fool said I you do not know
[02:37.08]我说 你是个傻瓜 你不知道
[02:37.08]Silence like a cancer grows
[02:43.4]寂寞就像癌症一样生长 扩散
[02:43.4]Take my arms then I might reach you
[02:49.83]当我伸出双手 你应该抓住我的手
[02:49.83]Hear my words and I might teach you
[02:56.87]当我教育你时 你应该倾听
[02:56.87]But my words like silent raindrops fell
[03:09.54]但是我的话语 就像无声的雨滴落下
[03:09.54]And echoed in the wells of silence
[03:26.48]And the people bowed and prayed
[03:32.98]To the neon god they'd made
[03:38.77]And the sign flashed out it's warning
[03:44.98]In the words that it was forming
[03:51.69]And the sign said the words of
[03:54.7]The prophets are written on the subway walls
[04:01.57]And tenement halls and whispered
[04:08.57]In the sounds of silence