

人之常情 Human Behavior - The Holes

人之常情 Human Behavior-The Holes.mp3
[00:15.06]you could hear a pin drop / 当我看着你舞...
[00:15.06]you could hear a pin drop / 当我看着你舞动时
[00:17.18]when i’m watching you move / 静得鸦雀无声
[00:18.78]i like to dance / 若你愿牵起我的手
[00:20.38]if you’d take my hand / 我愿与你翩翩起舞
[00:22.5]i think you been in my dreams / 我觉得你一直在我梦里
[00:24.62]moving like an amoeba / 像只阿米巴活动
[00:26.74]in a trance / 恍恍惚惚
[00:27.81]i think you understand / 我觉得你懂
[00:29.94]you can tell how i feel / 你清楚我的感受
[00:32.06]feels so different inside / 和别人所描述的
[00:34.18]than they described / 感觉是那么不同
[00:35.25]i can see it in your eyes / 我能从你眼里看出
[00:37.1]baby let’s just have a good time / 宝贝让我们一起享受当下吧
[00:40.03]doing whatever makes our bodies blur / 做一切能让我们视线模糊的事
[00:42.69]it’s just our behavior / 这是人之常情
[00:45.87]listen to your heart tonight / 今晚倾听你内心的声音
[00:48.79]if you wanna play / 如果你想放肆
[00:50.39]the game is inside / 游戏已准备好
[00:53.05]yeah i just wanna move tonight / 今晚我就是想嗨起来
[00:55.97]so let that stuff go and / 把那些破事抛之脑后
[00:57.82]do some human behavior / 做一些人之常情的事
[01:00.22]you’re blending my mind / 当你在这里尽情享受时
[01:01.81]when you mix that stuff right / 我也感到意乱情迷
[01:03.67]and it gets me so high / 看到你的光芒
[01:05.53]to behold by your light / 让我兴奋不已
[01:07.12]it’s easy to find / 要找到感觉对那种状态
[01:08.979996]the state that feels right / 其实并不难
[01:11.1]and baby tonight / 宝贝就是今晚
[01:13.229996]this is human behavior / 这是人之常情
[01:14.82]baby let’s get back to what’s real / 宝贝让我们一起回到现实
[01:17.479996]so confusing at times but we abide / 尽管时而迷惑但仍忍受
[01:19.34]we can help each other heal / 我们能互相治愈
[01:22.53]i see you from the outside / 我站在一旁看着你
[01:24.92]keep on using your body to describe / 看你在用你的身体去感受
[01:27.84]How it feels to be alive / 真切活着的感觉真好
[01:29.97]baby moving in the moonlight / 宝贝你在月光下舞动
[01:32.36]every glimmer reflected in your eyes / 每一丝微光都倒映在你的眼里
[01:35.81]making colors in my mind / 我的世界开始五彩缤纷
[01:37.67]never dreamed what this could be like / 从来没想过这会是怎样
[01:40.33]feel our bodies consumed when we collide / 当我们碰撞在一起,感觉我们的身体在燃烧
[01:43.509995]and that’s when we decide yeah / 这就是我们作出决定之时
[01:46.43]listen to your heart tonight / 今晚倾听你内心的声音
[01:49.09]if you wanna play / 如果你想放肆
[01:50.69]the game is inside / 游戏已准备好
[01:53.61]yeah i just wanna move tonight / 今晚我就是想嗨起来
[01:56.259995]so let that stuff go and / 把那些破事抛之脑后
[01:58.39]do some human behavior / 做一些人之常情的事
[02:00.51]you’re blending my mind / 当你在这里尽情享受时
[02:02.38]when you mix that stuff right / 我也感到意乱情迷
[02:03.97]and it gets me so high / 看到你的光芒
[02:06.09]to behold by your light / 让我兴奋不已
[02:07.69]it’s easy to find / 要找到感觉对那种状态
[02:09.54]the state that feels right / 其实并不难
[02:11.41]and baby tonight / 宝贝就是今晚
[02:13.53]this is human behavior / 这是人之常情
[02:45.67]what you you want to know / 你想知道的东西
[02:49.39]is what i got in store / 在我这里你能找到
[02:53.9]what I want to know / 我想看见的东西
[02:57.36]is what you got to show / 是你能展现给我的
[03:01.87]i want you to know / 我想让你知道
[03:03.46]i’m doin it all / 我做的这一切都是让我们
[03:05.59]so we can see some human behavior / 释放自己,这是人之常情
[03:08.78]maybe we can do it some more / 或许我们还能再多做一点
[03:10.9]baby let that stuff go / 宝贝别理那些破事了
[03:13.3]and let’s get us some human behavior / 做一些人之常情的事吧
[03:16.22]we can do whatever we like / 我们可以随心所欲
[03:18.34]so baby hold me real tight / 宝贝紧紧抱住我
[03:20.2]and i’m in love with the sight / 我已经爱上了
[03:22.33]of your behavior / 你的样子
[03:23.92]baby you be blending my mind / 宝贝今晚你舞动的样子
[03:25.78]the way you moving tonight / 深深扰乱了我的思绪
[03:27.64]you feel so good by my side / 在我身边的你的感受你的行为
[03:29.76]your behavior / 都是那么的好
[03:31.62]you here in my mind / 你在我的脑海里
[03:35.34]you’re soothing in my soul / 你抚平了我的灵魂
[03:39.33]and the way that we ride / 我们在一起快乐的样子
[03:42.78]bae it’s just human behavior / 宝贝这只是人之常情