

明智 Rational - The Holes

明智 Rational-The Holes.mp3
[00:24.09]we could stay inside / 我们可以待在房间...
[00:24.09]we could stay inside / 我们可以待在房间里
[00:26.22]making love tonight / 整夜交织缠绵
[00:28.08]if that’s what this is all about / 如果这就是全部
[00:32.6]if i’m truthful babe / 若要我说真实想法
[00:34.45]things won’t be the same / 事情就不再一样
[00:36.04]till we can work these problems out / 直到问题能被解决
[00:39.5]Yeah / 是啊
[00:40.83]it don’t seem rational / 这看起来不明智
[00:44.01]there’s something deep / 有一些被你藏起来的东西
[00:46.14]that i feel constantly / 我一直都能感觉到
[00:48.8]You act so natural / 你表现的如此自然
[00:51.72]did you think i wouldn’t find / 你觉得我不会发现
[00:54.11]what you so carefully hide? / 你小心翼翼藏匿的东西吗
[00:57.3]i felt it suddenly / 突然之间我感觉到
[01:00.22]the windows shut / 窗户紧闭了
[01:02.61]i think i’m gonna die / 我好像活不下去了
[01:05.53]night came totally / 夜幕已全然降临
[01:08.45]and i can’t settle down / 我的心仍无法平静
[01:10.05]til you admit that you lied / 除非你承认你说谎了
[01:13.5]you couldn’t hide the truth for long / 你瞒不了多久了
[01:18.29]it’s not rational to stay now / 再留下来是不明智的
[01:21.21]you look surprised that i caught on / 当我顿悟时你看着那么吃惊
[01:26.520004]but i can’t find a way out / 但我无路可逃
[01:29.44]little honesty / 就只是要一点小小的诚信
[01:31.83]it’s my policy / 这就是我的法则
[01:33.15]to keep this thing from spinning out / 能让我们不会分崩离析
[01:37.67]if you wanna stay / 如果你还想继续
[01:39.53]just be honest, babe / 亲爱的,请对我诚实
[01:41.119995]aint nothing we can’t talk about / 我们之间可以无话不谈
[01:44.84]yeah / 啊
[01:45.91]your lies ain’t practical / 你的谎言一点都不真实
[01:49.09]it don’t add up / 根本就说不通
[01:51.22]if 2 plus 2 is 5 / 就好像二加二等于五
[01:54.16]baby please be factual / 亲爱的请真实一点
[01:57.34]if the heat keeps turning up / 如果这场争吵持续升级
[01:58.67]you gonna burn me alive / 我一定会如火焚身
[02:01.86]i watched in disbelief / 我不信任地望着你
[02:05.32]The truth you’re living under, hey -ey / 看着被你隐藏的真相
[02:10.09]Seems like you’ve given up / 好像你已经摆烂了
[02:13.55]I thought you were stronger, hey -ey、 / 我以为你会有别的大招
[02:18.32]i know the truth of what you done / 其实我什么都知道
[02:23.64]I'm trying to forgive now / 我只是在努力原谅你
[02:26.56]tell what you did while i was gone / 告诉我当我不在时你都做了什么
[02:31.88]and help me find a way how / 帮我跨过这道坎
[02:33.0]Something deep — yeah / 有一些被你藏起来的东西
[02:50.75]You must be feeling so alone / 你一定感觉很孤单吧
[02:56.06]Yeah baby let’s just get the truth out / 亲爱的让我们诚实面对
[02:59.25]Say what you did and let’s move on / 老实承认然后我们翻篇
[03:04.03]and get back to what is good now / 回归到现在的平静和美好
[03:06.16]eh-eh-eh / 啊-啊-啊
[03:08.01]at first i felt so strange / 一开始我觉得很奇怪
[03:10.14]when i knew you lied / 当我知道你说谎时
[03:11.0]baby i broke in two yeah / 我的心已经碎成两半
[03:15.45]but now our love’s so strong / 可是我们的爱这么强烈
[03:18.11]i know we’ll carry on / 我知道我们一定能渡过难关
[03:20.5]aint nothing rational minds can’t heal / 我们明智的心能治愈一切