

科比去世:那个凌晨四点的篮球追梦人不在了!R.I.P - 早安英文

[00:00.0]本字幕由天琴实验室独家AI技术生成 [00:06.0...
[00:06.51]大家好welcome to today this morning English
[00:11.7]我是winter heroes com and go but legends are forever Dis is from Kobe Bryant 这句话是说英雄来来去去传奇永不落幕
[00:28.41]这位NBA 的传奇
[00:44.39]Kobe Bryant the sports I come who want five NBA championships will de los Angeles Lakers and was often compared to Michael Jordan died sunday in a helicopter crash he was forty one
[01:00.23]美国NBA 的篮球巨星科比在一起直升机事故中去世了
[01:05.3]科比是洛杉矶湖人队的球员带领los Angeles Lakers 洛杉矶湖人队获得过五次NBA 的总冠军
[01:14.99]刚才我们讲到的这个NBA championship 就是NBA 总冠军那刚才我们还有说到另外一个呃名词的短语叫做helicopter crash 就是直升机试试
[01:29.479996]Helicopter 这个单词就是直升机
[01:32.57]大家注意不要直接用plane 就是plan plane
[01:40.04]Plain 指的是我们平常做的那种客机或正常size 的那种飞机helicopter 才是直升机那紧接着后面这个词crash crash crash crash 的意思就是撞击碰击
[01:55.19]那汽车撞车事故叫做car crash 的直升机失事就叫做a helicopter crash a helicopter crash
[02:12.77]导致了事故dada weather was extremely foggy sunday morning sources tell reporters even a p d l support was grounded because of it
[02:27.70999]都受阻了round nine forty five am de flew into a mountain at seventeen hundred feet 在当地时间的早上0 9:45
[02:53.66]Michael Jordan has spoken on Co baby steps same I mean shark over de tragic news of Co bs and gi Anna s passing words can describe the pain I m feeling
[03:07.2]I love Kobe he was like a little brother to me we used to talk often and our Miss those conversations very much
[03:16.17]他说科比和吉安娜去世的悲痛消息令我感到震惊言语无法形容我的痛苦be in shock over de tragic news 就是对这个悲痛的消息感到震惊being shark over something 那tragic 这个词的意思就是悲惨的悲痛的它的名词形式是tragedy 悲剧
[03:41.48]Tragic 形容词悲痛
[03:43.94]The tragic news of Co bs and janice passing someone passing 是指某人的去世离世
[03:52.31]Gina 是呃
[03:53.51]抠B 的女儿吗
[03:57.08]接下来他说words can describe the pain on feeling 言语不能表达我的伤痛words can describe something or words can express something 这个句式呢
[04:24.92]可以说words can express my gratitude words can describe my gratitude 这个是乔丹的发言那另外一位篮球巨星奥尼尔呢
[04:36.91998]在Twitter 上也用到了类似的表达
[04:41.8]No words to express Du pain I am going through with tragedy is losing my knees gg and my brother Kobe Bryant 没有言语
[05:02.44]I love you and you will be missed
[05:06.97]会永远被记住会被怀念my condolences goes out To Brian family and families of d other passengers on board 把我的悼念带去给Brian 的家人合同
[05:20.83]在直升机上遇难人员的家属condo len con dole nc condolences 这个词的意思就是调研
[05:34.06]Condolences condolences
[05:37.09]他说的就是my condolences goes out to them
[05:41.84]Ryan family and families of d other passengers on board 最后的最后奥尼尔说I m sick right now
[05:59.09]就是I m sick right now 精神上感到巨大的痛苦feeling sick 非常非常痛苦
[06:23.75]欢迎大家到微信搜索早安英文私信回复笔记两个字来领取我们的文字版笔记thank you for listening does winter see you next time
[06:42.46]Hold every monday I go
[06:46.53]Does pod casting is from morning English