

The Mercy Seat - Johnny Cash

The Mercy Seat-Johnny Cash.mp3
[00:00.0]The Mercy Seat - Johnny Cash (约翰尼·卡什...
[00:00.0]The Mercy Seat - Johnny Cash (约翰尼·卡什)
[00:02.91]It all began when they took me from my home
[00:05.59]And put me on Death Row
[00:07.4]A crime for which I am totally innocent you know
[00:12.82]因为我犯罪了 但你知道 我是无辜的
[00:12.82]I began to warm and chill
[00:15.63]To objects and their fields
[00:18.13]A ragged cup a twisted mop
[00:20.75]The face of Jesus in my soup
[00:23.56]Those sinister dinner deals
[00:26.18]The meal trolley's wicked wheels
[00:28.93]A hooked bone rising from my food
[00:31.73]All things either good or ungood
[00:34.48]And the mercy seat is waiting
[00:37.03]And I think my head is burning
[00:39.71]And in a way I'm yearning
[00:41.84]但是某种程度上 我又渴望着
[00:41.84]To be done with all this weighing of the truth
[00:45.65]An eye for an eye
[00:47.08]And a tooth for a tooth
[00:48.45]And anyway I told the truth
[00:51.51]不管怎么说 我说出了真相
[00:51.51]And I'm not afraid to die
[00:59.63]I hear stories from the chamber
[01:02.31]Christ was born into a manger
[01:04.87]And like some ragged stranger
[01:07.11]He died upon the cross
[01:09.17]Might I say it seems so fitting in its way
[01:13.17]不知当不当讲 这可能是最合适的选择
[01:13.17]He was a carpenter by trade
[01:16.03]他是一个木匠 生意人
[01:16.03]Or at least that's what I'm told
[01:24.09]My kill-hand's
[01:25.21]Tatooed E V I L across it's brother's fist
[01:29.57]That filthy five They did nothing to challenge or resit
[01:35.009995]那极其不堪 他们不具任何挑战性
[01:35.009995]In Heaven His throne is made of gold
[01:38.009995]在天堂 他的皇冠镶满金子
[01:38.009995]The ark of his Testament is stowed
[01:40.630005]A throne from which I'm told All history does unfold
[01:45.18]有人就这样跟我说 事情终会水落石出
[01:45.18]It's made of wood and wire
[01:47.740005]And my body is on fire
[01:51.41]And God is never far away
[01:54.35]Into the mercy seat I climb
[01:57.03]My head is shaved my head is wired
[01:59.78]我剃了光头 戴上接有电线的帽子
[01:59.78]And like a moth that tries
[02:01.78]To enter the bright eye
[02:04.02]I go shuffling out of life
[02:06.84]Just to hide in death awhile
[02:10.83]And anyway I never lied
[02:13.75]不管怎么说 我说出来真相
[02:13.75]And the mercy seat is waiting
[02:16.37]And I think my head is burning
[02:19.06]And in a way I'm yearning
[02:21.18]To be done with all this weighing of the truth
[02:24.87]An eye for an eye And a tooth for a tooth
[02:28.11]以牙还牙 以眼还眼
[02:28.11]And anyway I told the truth And I'm not afraid to die
[02:33.17]反正我说了实话 我也不是怕死
[02:33.17]And the mercy seat is burning
[02:35.47]And I think my head is glowing
[02:38.41]And in a way I'm hopin'
[02:40.70999]一定程度上 我希望
[02:40.70999]To be done with all this twistin' of the truth
[02:44.20999]An eye for an eye And a tooth for a tooth
[02:46.77]以牙还牙 以眼还眼
[02:46.77]And any way there was no proof And I'm not afraid to die
[02:52.33]不管怎么说 要给我定罪 你并没有证据 我不是怕死
[02:52.33]And the mercy seat is glowing
[02:54.95]And I think my head is smoking
[02:57.69]And in a way I'm hopin'
[02:59.24]To be done with all these looks of disbelief
[03:03.37]A life for a life And a truth for a truth
[03:06.29]And I've got nothin' left to loose
[03:09.29]And I'm not afraid to die
[03:11.67]And the mercy seat is smoking
[03:14.35]And I think my head is melting
[03:16.79001]And in a way that's helpin' to be done with all this twistin' of the truth
[03:22.65]An eye for an eye And a tooth for a tooth
[03:25.27]以牙还牙 以眼还眼
[03:25.27]And any way I told the truth
[03:28.27]But I'm afraid I told a lie