

第12期青春励志(12) - 酸梅红豆

[00:00.0]第12期青春励志(12)-英语听力 [00:06.77]Dre...
[00:06.77]Dream Will Come True
[00:09.45]The first day of school
[00:10.96]one of my classmates began a talk
[00:12.87]with me that changed my life.
[00:15.6]She said, "Hi, handsome.
[00:17.17]My name is Rose.
[00:18.84]I'm eighty-seven years old."
[00:20.92]"Why are you in college at such an age?"
[00:24.24]I asked.
[00:25.72]"I always dreamed of having a college education
[00:28.56]and now I'm getting one,"
[00:30.49]she told me.
[00:32.03]After class we walked to the student union building
[00:35.27]and shared a chocolate milkshake.
[00:37.59]We became instant friends.
[00:40.05]At the end of the semester we invited Rose
[00:43.11]to speak at our football banquet
[00:45.48]and I'll never forget what she taught us.
[00:48.24]She cleared her throat and began:
[00:50.87]"We do not stop playing because we are old;
[00:54.0]we grow old because we stop playing.
[00:56.94]There are only four secrets to staying young,
[01:00.15]being happy and achieving success.
[01:03.33]You have to laugh and find humor each and every day.
[01:07.47]You've got to have a dream.
[01:09.28]When you lose your dreams, you die.
[01:12.39]We have so many people walking around
[01:14.99]who are dead and they don't even know it.
[01:18.520004]There is a giant difference
[01:20.47]between growing older and growing up.
[01:23.4]If you are nineteen years old
[01:25.28]and lie in bed for one full year
[01:27.96]and don't do one productive thing,
[01:30.72]you will turn twenty years old.
[01:33.84]If I am eighty-seven years old
[01:36.270004]and stay in bed for a year
[01:37.97]and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight.
[01:41.69]Anybody can grow older.
[01:43.92]That doesn't take any talent or ability.
[01:47.43]The idea is to grow up by always
[01:50.04]finding the opportunity in change.
[01:53.759995]Have no regrets.
[01:55.33]The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did,
[01:59.07]but rather for things we did not do.
[02:02.03]The only people who fear death are those with regrets."
[02:06.69]She concluded her speech
[02:08.14]by courageously singing "The Rose."
[02:11.35]She challenged each of us
[02:13.22]to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives.
[02:18.67]At year's end,
[02:20.01]Rose finished the college degree
[02:22.17]she had begun all those years ago.
[02:24.73]One week after graduation Rose died
[02:27.58]peacefully in her sleep.
[02:29.48]Over two thousand college students
[02:31.55]attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman
[02:34.95999]who taught by example
[02:36.95999]that it's never too late to be
[02:38.77]all you can possibly be.